
Showing posts from August, 2018

Wait, I’m Leaving Today?

Nervous. Anxious. Scared. Restless. Reflective. Tired. Content. Excited. Joy-filled.  These are all emotions I’ve experienced during the past week of orientation. Let’s be real honest, these are emotions I’ve experienced since I woke up this morning.  Today all of YAGM set out on their journey and I begin my first of airplane trip. I am excited the day is finally here. I am excited to see where this journey takes me and my fellow YAGM. This past week we have been gathered in community with one another at LSTC in Chicago. This week has already been amazing and if it is an indicator of how the rest of the year will go, then I have a good feeling about this year. As a group, we have laughed and learned together. We have comforted each other through the hard goodbyes as well as through the hard conversations. We have explored important topics that need to be discussed such as race, sexuality, gender, poverty, privallege, how all these will play out in our communit...

One Week

One Week. One week until orientation in Chicago starts. One week until I say goodbye to my family. One week until I say goodbye to my friends. One week until I say goodbye to my pets. One week until a new adventure. Saying goodbye is always hard. Saying goodbye to people you love is hard. But I know this isn't a final goodbye, because I will be back in a year. I will see my family and friends again. I know I have ways to stay in contact with them, and that when I get back we will pick right back off like I never left. But saying goodbye to places is different. Saying goodbye to the constants in my life is heartbreaking. Knowing that when I return in a year, things will be changed, I am struggling to say goodbye. I have worked at the same camp for 6 summers. And when I return, I can visit, but it will never be the same. I will never be on summer staff again. I will never be at LOMC in the same way again. It will still be my home, but it will be different. And that is hard t...