Wait, I’m Leaving Today?

Nervous. Anxious. Scared. Restless. Reflective. Tired. Content. Excited. Joy-filled. 

These are all emotions I’ve experienced during the past week of orientation.
Let’s be real honest, these are emotions I’ve experienced since I woke up this morning. 

Today all of YAGM set out on their journey and I begin my first of airplane trip. I am excited the day is finally here. I am excited to see where this journey takes me and my fellow YAGM.

This past week we have been gathered in community with one another at LSTC in Chicago. This week has already been amazing and if it is an indicator of how the rest of the year will go, then I have a good feeling about this year.

As a group, we have laughed and learned together. We have comforted each other through the hard goodbyes as well as through the hard conversations. We have explored important topics that need to be discussed such as race, sexuality, gender, poverty, privallege, how all these will play out in our community, and how God plays a role in it all. 

Last night at closing worship we all ad our hands anointed to go out into the world and serve. As those who know me already know, I am a crier. So yes, I bawled my eyes out upon receiving my blessing. Thankfully there was fun and laughter prepared for after the seriousness of closing worship. Every country group shared a skit they has come up with to show the place they are going and who their group is. My cohort took jokes, translated them into Hungarian, then into Serbian, and then back to English to show how things can get lost in translation, and the google translate maybe isn’t the best resource.

As I continue to wrestle with my emotions, I ask that you all pray for all of YAGM as we begin this journey throughout the world. I hope to have many stories to share soon. God bless all of you.


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